Gaining Insight through Testing

Providing a Framework for Remediation

Tests administered

If up-to-date testing is necessary, I give a battery of tests which might include those that assess phonological (letter/sound) awareness, phonological memory and rapid naming, in which an individual is asked to recognize a visual symbol such as a letter or color and name it accurately and rapidly. Tests such as the Comprehensive Test Of Phonological Processing (CTOPP) and Rapid Automatized Naming and Rapid Alternating Stimulus Tests (RAN/RAS) target these areas. A child’s score on the RAN/RAS Test particularly, can predict his “ease” in acquiring reading skills.

I also administer other standardized tests that determine a student’s ability to read and comprehend passages, both silently and orally. I may also add criterion-based assessments which can reflect reading and spelling skills acquired within a particular framework.

Putting it all together

The results of these tests are added to any additional information gathered from a child’s IEP and/or neuropsychological assessment to help create solid teaching strategies.  Results clarify whether an individual will need remedial help or has dyslexia and/or other learning disabilities.

Testing for Dyslexia – Possible Warning Signs

In Young Children difficulty with:

  • Recognizing letters, matching letters to sounds, and blending sounds into speech
  • Pronouncing words, for example saying ”mawn lower” instead of “lawn mower”
  • Learning and correctly using new vocabulary words
  • Learning the alphabet, numbers, and days of the week or similar common word sequences
  • Rhyming
Why test for dyslexia?

In School-age Children difficulty with:

  • Mastering the rules of spelling
  • Remembering facts and numbers
  • Handwriting or gripping a pencil
  • Learning and understanding new skills; instead, relying heavily on memorization
  • Reading and spelling, such as reversing letters (d,b) or moving letters around (left, felt)
  • Following a sequence of directions
  • Understanding word problems in math

In Teenagers and Young Adults difficulty with:

  • Reading at the expected level
  • Understanding non-literal language, such as idioms, jokes, or proverb
  • Reading aloud with fluency
  • Organizing and managing time
  • Summarizing a story
  • Learning a foreign language
  • Memorizing